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“The revelation today that law enforcement officials served subpoenas on the North Bergen  Department of Public Works and the DPW chief  James Wiley, validates what many of us have been saying about the Sacco Administration for many years.   The administration of Mayor Nick Sacco is now and has been operating outside the law for many years.

The mayor has used municipal workers as his own private army to further his political goals,  not to serve the people of North Bergen. He appoints department heads that will carry out his orders.

Let’s be perfectly clear on one point, while the subpoenas were directed at Mr. Wiley and the DPW,  the fact remains that nothing happens in this town without Mayor Sacco’s okay and knowledge.

The mayor can try to distance himself from the federal investigation, but we know that all town departments, and the local school board  and school employees have one mission – to do the bidding of Mayor Sacco, who also serves as assistant School Superintendent and a State Senator.  The concentration of power into one person’s hands is not good for North Bergen, or the state. 

Mr. Sacco rules by fear and intimidation and his orders are carried out by an army of employees whose livelihoods are dependent on the mayor’s vast patronage machine.

There are many of us who have been trying to bring the abuses and corruption in North Bergen to the attention of law enforcement and Trenton officials for some time. Last spring we wrote to the New Jersey Attorney General with concerns that DPW employees were while on township time scooping up the campaign literature dropped by a candidate slate opposing Mayor Sacco.

Hopefully, the action today taken by the state investigators is the beginning of the process to  unmask the Sacco administration and begin to peel back  the layers  of favoritism and corruption that exist. 

Below is a News12: Kane In Your Corner special that shows DPW workers scooping up campaign literature while on town time and a DPW supervisor intimidating a woman shop owner who placed a sign in her window supporting Sacco’s opposition last May.


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