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The fact there have been at least 191 accidents on Tonnelle Avenue between 88th and 89th streets since Walmart shopping center opened is testament to the obvious fact that this development was poorly planned, badly designed and done regardless of its impact on the nearby neighborhoods.

Besides the huge number of car accidents at the location reported in The Jersey Journal, there have been a number of pedestrian accidents as well. In last year's heavy snow, the sidewalks along Tonnelle Avenue were not cleared, forcing pedestrians to walk in the heavy traffic.

The shopping center was an ill-conceived, unnecessary idea by local politicians and built without adequate traffic studies. Cars now pour through nearby neighborhoods, looking to avoid long traffic delays on Tonnelle Avenue. The concerns of neighbors living near the giant shopping mall were never taken into consideration before the shopping center was built.

Now the politicians tell us how great the mall is because of all the money the town is making. Really? How much money is it costing to have our Police Department and ambulance corps rush down to 88th Street every day to another accident scene? How much is it costing residents in delays sitting in traffic day after day?

Some things are more important than money -- things like quality of life and public safety. It seems both were sacrificed so Walmart can make more money.


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