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It's been a while since my last visit to this area. While Mayor Sacco claims most of the accidents occurred inside of the parking area, don't you think there should be some type of enforcement? I've seen the way some people drive in parking lots/shopping centers, and some think they're out on a street or roadway cruising 25-40 MPH.

Secondly, Mayor Sacco should be thankful his Stack-supported jitneys don't venture into this area, or do they? Heaven help us if they do, more accident to report.

Why is it there is a left-turn lane at Target, Home Depot and Loew's but at the busier shopping center on all of Tonnelle Avenue at the Walmart there isn't any? Another question: Why did it seem PSE&G did all the work on Tonnelle Avenue by the Walmart Shopping Center around the holidays making it almost impossible to get in or out of the place?

It's been over a year since they opened that mall up and there is still only one way in and out that causes the jam up. One thing that they don't focus on are these idiots who leave those shopping carts around -- they become bullets when the wind takes them and hits parked cars.

Mr. mayor that mall is an accident waiting to happen. If they could have made an exit and entrance to West Side Avenue, there would be less accidents and less traffic jams. The people who designed this place should be investigated to see if they had the right education to be involved in the construction of this place -- especially the people who OK'd the permits.

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